Do you Need an Air Purifier for Baby

The air purifier has become an essential part of every household, especially after the massive hit of the global pandemic. Now, because it has been widely said and admitted that an air purifier is great to eliminate the pollutants for people suffering from allergies but do you need an air purifier for baby too? let’s find out.

Do you need an air purifier for baby?

Baby skin and body are more sensitive and more likely to get affected by allergies or the unseen contaminants present in the air. As the health of the babies is the parent’s first concern, so apart from wrapping the baby in the security nest, you should have considered some of the other options as well.

The presence of chemicals and VOCs are more likely to affect babies strongly than adults because children breathe 50% more air of body weight per pound. That means you have to take care of indoor cleanliness. Despite the fact that you are making efforts for cleaning your baby’s nursery, there will still be something left.

In a nutshell, yes you do need an air purifier in the baby’s room but remember that not all the air purifiers are safe as some of them are dangerous. That is the reason why do you need an air purifier for baby.

Here is the list having the air purifier for baby room so,

Our Pick for the Best Air Purifier for Baby Include

1.    Storebary Air Purifier | Best Air Purifier Features | BUY ON AMAZON

Storebary Air Purifier

Product Features

  • Dimension: 8.6 x 8.6 x 13.5 inches
  • Weight: 7.7 lbs.
  • Room size: 226 ft²
  • CADR: 250m cube / hour
  • Filter replacement: 2 filters ever year
  • Power consumption: 144.5 kWh/year

The Storebary air purifier provides all the features you need in an air purifier for your baby’s nursery, including five fan settings, a whisper-quiet sleep mode, and a three-stage HEPA filtration technology.

The peak fan speed can clear the air up to five times an hour, depending on the size of the space, and the smoke eater can run 24 hours a day.

The air quality indicator is located in the center of the digital display on this purifier. You can tell how nice or bad the air is just by looking at it. For the sake of comparison, any reading of 12 or below is deemed healthy.

The air quality indicator is located in the center of the digital display on this purifier. You can tell how nice or bad the air is just by looking at it. For the sake of comparison, any reading of 12 or below is deemed healthy.

If your infant is sensitive to light at night, you can switch the display on or off, and there’s a child lock to prevent curious young ones from changing any of your favorite settings.

The auto mode may alter the fan speed according to the air quality in the room. If the amount of dust, dander or other impurities in the air increases, the purifier’s fan speed will increase to clean the air more quickly. If the air is clean, the fan speed will be reduced to save you money.


  • It has a great air quality sensor and display
  • The auto mode adjusts the air-purifying rate according to air quality
  • The noise level turn down to 24.5 dB at sleep mode
  • It will notify you with the filter change indicator.


  • The CADR low

2.RabbitAir Minus A2 Ultra Quite | Best Versatile Air purifier


RabbitAir Minus A2 Ultra Quite

Product Features

  • Dimension: 7 x 21.4 x 20.25 inches
  • Weight: 19.4 lbs.
  • Room size: 815 ft²
  • CADR: 200 CFM
  • Filter replacement: 1 filter every year
  • Power consumption: 390 kWh/year

The RabbitAir air purifier can be used freestanding on the floor or wall-mounted. The Artists series allows you to choose a decorative front panel with mood lighting or images, including Monet, Van Gough, Hello Kitty, and Peanuts.

this air purifier can be operated anywhere via internet or you can set a schedule.The five-stage filtering system may be tailored to your family’s specific needs.

It has a washable pre-filter, a medium filter for pollen and pet dander, and a HEPA filter that filters out 99.97 percent of particles with a diameter of 3 microns or larger.

You can select one of the following filters for the fourth filter: Germ Defense, Pet Allergy, Odor Remover, or Toxin Absorber. Depending on your requirements, you may also change them out.

An activated charcoal filter is the last filter. A sixth stage negative ion generator is available for the RabbitAir, although it may be turned on or off. According to RabbitAir’s website, there is no ozone while the ion generator is turned off, and low quantities of ozone when the generator is switched on.


  • This air purifier allows you to free stand or wall mount it
  • It offers smart control via phone
  • Daily air cleaning can be set
  • Allows normal or allergy modes


  • It is a bit expensive compared to the competitors.

3. HoneyWell DH-HPA060 | Best Air Purifier for small room | BUY ON AMAZON

HoneyWell DH-HPA060

Product Features

  • Dimension: 8.6 x 8.6 x 13.5 inches
  • Weight: 7.7 inches
  • Room size:
  • CADR:
  • Filter replacement:
  • Power consumption:

The Honeywell HPA060 is a small-room air cleaner that can clean all of the air in a 70-square-foot area up to five times per hour.

The somewhat noisy fan is a disadvantage of this product. Even on the lowest level, you can plainly hear it operating at night, which made us reconsider including the purifier on the list.

You may, however, operate the Honeywell cleaner in your baby’s room with the door closed throughout the day and then switch it off at night.


  • This air purifier is affordable
  • It comes with germ, allergen, and general
  • It has a low running cost


  • It begins to produce noise when it is on high speed
  • The filter replacement is costly.

How to Choose the Best Air Purifier for Baby’s Nursery?

While choosing an air purifier for baby room you must be more cautious however, the common features that you must not neglect include

1.    The Room Size

It will always be written on the device how much footage area can a device cover. It would be more beneficial to select the air purifier for baby room that has maximum square footage. However, a device with small space will not be much beneficial and so are the air purifiers for the large room because of louder noise which will make the baby cry.

To measure the square footage of the room you have to stand in the corner while facing the center and measure the length of the wall from one corner to another corner.

2.    HEPA Filters are a must

High efficiency particulate air purifiers; HEPA filter removes the microns 99.97% from the air. This cleans the air from dust, pollen, and other airborne particles. Makes sure that some HEPA filters have a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) ranging from 1 to 16.

Try not to get the air purifier that is labeled as HEPA style or HEPA type because they are not original filters.

Other Features to Look for in a Baby Air purifier

AHAM Verified

Association of Home Appliances Manufacturers It is the most important feature that you should check when you are looking for the best air purifier for baby. Try to get the one that is AHAM certified.


do you need an air purifier for baby? Surely you do but remember that

It will let you know the rating that how much an air purifier will clean the room in cubic feet per minute or 15 minutes. Try to get an air purifier with a high CADR rating.

Activated Charcoal Filters

These filters do not clean contaminants and particles. Instead, they inhale airborne odors. Once every three months or so, these filters should be replaced. For efficient odor elimination, a substantial quantity of activated charcoal is required. Because most activated charcoal filters in household air purifiers are too small to eliminate odors, a purifier without an ACF isn’t a deal-breaker.

Washable Pre-Filters

The air initially passes through the pre-filter, which captures and filters away from a significant percentage of the filth. Because the air is already somewhat clean before it reaches the HEPA filter, the HEPA filter has less work to perform and lasts longer. There are no regular replacement expenses because the pre-filter may be washed and reused. Furthermore, because the HEPA filter cleans pre-filtered air, it requires less frequent replacement, lowering your operating expenses.


The air purifier that is ionizers is harmful to babies because they produce ozone that can harm the throat, lungs and nose. Make sure the air purifier you are getting for the baby nursery does not have the ionizer.

Noise Level

You should operate your air purifier the majority of the time, if not all of the time, for optimal benefits. As a result, a nursery air purifier must be efficient while remaining quiet enough not to disturb your infant. Noise levels of 30 dB or more are adequate to disrupt sleep and perhaps induce diseases linked to sleep disruption. Choose an air purifier that generates fewer than 30 dB if noise level information is available.

Conclusion | do you need an air purifier for baby

Studies have shown that the air inside the home often contains higher concentrations of hazardous chemicals than the air outside. High concentrations of chemicals within the home originate from cleaning products, smokers in the home, pets that shed fur and dander, and airborne chemicals, such as VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and off-gassing from furniture and appliances.

That is why it is important to have to place an air purifier

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