Tips to get Most out of an Air Purifier

With every passing day, air pollution is affecting many individuals causing respiratory issues. The contaminated air is affecting the air conditions indoors as well which made the need for air purifiers a basic necessity of every home, office, etc.

An air purifier is can provide you with pure air for 12 hours maximum. However, the time might vary depending upon the filter type that will require proper maintenance from time to time or the air quality will deteriorate. In the meantime, to get the most out of your air purifiers, here are some techniques that will help to produce more filtered air.

Tips to Get Most Out of Air Purifier

The first and foremost thing is

Where to place air purifier?

It is important to have an idea about the contaminated place as it is the most common mistake which is done by people and often asked where to place air purifier? To be honest, knowing where should you position an air purifier minimizes the risk of wasting the electricity as well as the energy of the purifier.

Note that..

  • Placing it in the right place increases up to 20% of the efficiency of an air purifier.
  • Do not place your purifier behind television or in the corner that can lose around 50 % of its capacity.

Since it is a bad option to place the air purifier as mentioned so, where should i place my air purifier? To make it easy to understand, here are some golden rules to know the best location for the placement of the air purifier.

1.   Place it near the affected area

Wherever there is a high concentration of contaminants, an air purifier should be installed. An air purifier would typically utilize an air quality meter to determine where the contaminants are most prevalent. In case you are failed to determine the affected area then, you can use all of your 5 senses and discover where the largest concentrations of air pollution are.

  • Pollutants such as smoke and mould are easily apparent to your eyes.
  • For best results, use a mould air purifier near the mould infestation.
  • Place a smoke air purifier near the smoking location.
  • Move the your air purifiers closer to the windows where the wildfire is entering your home if you use them to combat wildfire smoke.

The presence of odor or foul-smelling air is a clear sign of a high concentration of undesirable air pollutants such as cigarette smoke or oil smoke.

Your reaction to the allergy: Do you have more allergic responses in the bedroom than in the kitchen? That’s a solid sign that allergen concentrations are greater in the bedroom.

2.   Put the AIr Purifier off the feet

The airflow of an air purifier works in 2 directions

  • Horizontal (from one door to another)
  • Vertically (from floor to the ceiling. It is based on a minor difference in the temperature).

You’re probably aware that hotter air rises and moves toward the ceiling. By elevating an air purifier (3 to 5 feet is ideal), you become capable of catching the horizontal movement of air. Smaller units, for instance, fit comfortably on a desk.

An air purifier placed on the wall is the finest potential location. Wall-mounted air purifiers are installed 3-5 feet from the ground and can be installed in areas with the most airflow.

3.   Place the Air purifier with the highest Airflow

Air purifiers have a high capacity for sucking in air. Making as much air as possible to the air purifier, on the other hand, can assist the air purifier to clean the air faster.

It makes a lot of sense to place an air purifier near a window, near a doorway, and especially on the walls where the air flows.

Larger contaminants are also present in moving air. This is due to the fact that flowing air has enough energy to remove dust, mould spores, and other contaminants. It has the ability to transport it across our entire house.

Capturing pollutants at entrance points – such as front doors or open windows – also acts as the first line of defense against outside air contaminants that would otherwise be spread throughout our home.

4.   Not in the Corner

It is not a good idea to install an air purifier in a corner. There is the least amount of airflow. You hinder an air purifier from efficiently cleaning the air by putting it in a corner.

Obviously, the air quality in that area may be excellent. Nonetheless, air quality in other rooms would not be as adversely affected as it may have been with correct air purifier installation.

This is because of the

  • Low airflow indoor
  • Placed on the floor
  • Blocked with 2 directions,

Try not to place it in the corner as it surely will affect the air purifier’s efficiency and functionality.

5.   Vicinity of Air Purifiers

You want unrestricted airflow through the air purifier. Locating it behind the television provides an enticing open space where an air purifier might be installed.

Try to resist the impulse; an air purifier requires at least 3 feet of space in all directions to work properly.

Another common issue is with books. An air purifier improves the quality of indoor air. It seems to reason that individuals prefer to read books outside in the fresh air. We may, however, position a stack of books near an air purifier, obstructing its capacity to produce optimum airflow.

6.   Dont place them in humid areas

When there is a lot of humidity in the air, it makes things heavier. To produce airflow with heavy air, the purifier requires more energy.

Filters’ capacity will be reduced by humid air (especially HEPA filters).

We believe that an air purifier might be useful in the following areas of our home:

Kitchen. Obviously, because of all the smells. When we boil water in the kitchen, the humidity rises, making it more difficult for an air purifier to work effectively.

Bathroom. Showering can cause the relative humidity to increase beyond 90%. That level of humidity will put the air purifier’s capability to the test.

In this situation, a dehumidifier could be a better option. You may also use it in conjunction with an air purifier.

In the end..

It is a common mistake of placing an air purifier in the wrong place that compromises the functionality as well as the efficiency. To provide a proper guide, we have formulated a guide to help you in the placement of your unit so you can get the most out of it.